Create memorable presentations with Pantone’s 2023: Viva Magenta

The announcement of Color of the Year 2023 by Pantonne has become an annual Pop Culture event awaited by many designers worldwide. It’s time to create engaging and memorable presentations with Viva Magenta with examples for designing stunning visuals. We may be subjective here, as one of our brand colors is part of the Magentaverse, but we can agree that …

10 Slides to use in a Personal Presentation

We have encountered so far two uses of personal presentation. One of them became more common in the past years, as the freelancing scene is burgeoning.  As you guessed, the personal presentation is used by freelancers as an extended business card. It includes the services the freelancers provide, their work process, recommendations, and any relevant information they want to share …

Secret Features of PowerPoint

Creating presentations has become a challenge lately. Everybody wants to be authentic and to convey their message in the best visual they can. This takes time and PowerPoint templates are not enough in a business meeting or a keynote speech.  Luckily there are many ways to personalise your presentation and create the design you need, as PowerPoint offers you a …

What are the advantages and disadvatages of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is one of the most popular software for presentations. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite and can be used for personal, business, and educational purposes. Most known for its templates and easiness of use, PowerPoint had conquered the presentations game.  From beginners to professional speakers, this software allows you to build your own presentations using text, images, …

2021 Design Trends and their use in presentations

After 2020, the year when every month was different, we don’t know what to expect of 2021. The world started focusing on health and all of us contributed towards spreading awareness. One message united many brands and individuals and it’s still integrated in communication strategies: Stay home. Be safe. Many creatives were affected the past year, it’s not easy to …