10 Slides you should have in your company profile

Creating a business presentation from scratch is never an easy task – you always have to consider and start from the type of presentation you’d need, the goals you want to achieve through it, your audience’s profile, needs and expectations, and the context of the presentation (how and where it’s going to be delivered and how much time will you …

Presentation Tips: How to make printer friendly presentation

Welcome back to our article series on practical and short tips to help you create better presentations.  If in our first article of the series, we’ve tackled the issue of compressing presentation, in this one we’re going to be sharing a few ideas on how you can make a printer friendly presentation. We know printing isn’t really sustainable, but truth …

10 Slides you should have in your sales presentation

Each sales presentation is different, from product to product, from company to company and from prospect to prospect. However, all of them have  some traits in common. They need to be informative, persuasive, well structured and with a good design. Before going into more details let’s remember what exactly is a sales presentation: Formal and pre-arranged meeting, usually at a …