PowerPoint is one of the most popular software for presentations. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite and can be used for personal, business, and educational purposes. Most known for its templates and easiness of use, PowerPoint had conquered the presentations game. From beginners to professional speakers, this software allows you to build your own presentations using text, images, …
Powerpoint Tutorial: How to Create a See-Through Cutout Effect
Powerpoint tends to get a lot of hate about being this awful program that people use to bore you to death with never ending presentations over-filled with content and text. You probably heard the phrase “Death by Powerpoint” because of this. And that’s very unjustified in our opinion. After all, Powerpoint is just a tool – one which, depending on …
Infographic – How To Create A Great Pitch Deck
The best pitch decks don’t sound or look like they were created for the benefit of investors. They feel like a natural development of the work your startup is already doing. Sure, the pressure is high – you have to say everything but only use 10-15 slides, you have to convince but not overwhelm with information, you have to convey emotion …
15 Presentation Templates Based on Pantone’s Colors for 2017
A successful presentation depends on many factors. The right blend between persuasive ideas, inspiring design and a compelling delivery will determine the success of your presentation. Today we’ll focus on one of these essential elements – presentation design. Specifically, we’ll dive into presentation templates and themes that can make life so much more easy for you, inspired by Pantone’s 2017 color …